Dr Kennedy O. Onyango is currently teaching in the Department of Medical Physiology, School of Medicine, Maseno University, while also undertaking clinical duties in Obstetrics and Gynecology ensuring that patients have good outcomes. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) from the University of Nairobi in 2001. He undertook his internship at Kakamega Provincial General Hospital from September 2001 to August 2002. He was then posted to Port Victoria Sub District Hospital as the Medical Officer in Charge between 2002 and 2005 when he proceeded to University of Nairobi for his postgraduate training in Obstetrics and Gynecology qualifying in 2009 with an MMed Degree. His first posting as a Consultant was to Kabarnet District Hospital in Baringo County where he worked until he joined Maseno University, school of Medicine in August 2011. Dr Onyango is a member of the following Professional associations: Kenya Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (KOGS) , Council Member KOGS, Chairman, Nyanza Branch KOGS, Member Kenya Medical Association,NGC Member, KMA Treasurer Kisumu Division, Kenya Medical Association and Member, Maseno University Ethics Review Committee, Founding Fellow ECSACOG, Kenya Country Representative to ECSACOG Council, Elected Delegate, UASU Maseno University Chapter
From 2011 when he joined the School of Medicine, Maseno University, 3 groups of Medical students have qualified and are now practicing as Doctors. Also been training Nursing students. He also teaches, postgraduate students in Medical Physiology, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology and COSECSA Surgery Program. He is a Visiting Consultant at both Jaramogi Teaching and Kisumu County Referral hospitals. Working together with the Center for Public Health and Development (CPHD), he has been able to help develop a curriculum for Nurse Anaesthesia training. Together with Kijabe school of Nursing, and now the Kenya medical Training College Kisumu Campus, students are now undertaking Nurse Anaesthesia training at Higher Diploma level. This will help relieve the acute shortage of Anesthetists in this region and Kenya at large. The program was supported by GE Foundation With The Siaya County Government and help from GE Foundation, at CPHD help set up a plant that could tank oxygen and supply it to health facilities. Due to the success of this program, WHO has classified oxygen as an essential drug.
He took part in Training of health workers in HIV/AIDS management under the program with FUNZO Kenya. Over 1000 health workers trained during the period 2012 to 2015. He Helped revise protocol/curriculum on Uterine balloon tamponed for management of PPH for KMET Kenya. He also Participated in the development of the Core Curriculum for MBChB by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board in 2012.